Visit Naples keyboard button. Buy online tickets concept to visit Naples

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Visit Naples blue keyboard button. Buy online tickets concept to visit Naples.
Naples (Napoli) is the capital of the Italian region Campania and the third-largest municipality in Italy, after Rome and Milan.
You can use this stock image on your website. Also you can use it on your social media page, ad campaign. Another use could be in your projects, presentations. Perfect for any kind of design project.

Available as JPG Raster in various sizes, from 600×400 to 6000×4000. If you need it in other resolution or if you need another file format like EPS, PNG, etc, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

You can buy this icon with Standard license or with Extended license. Please check our Licensing page too for details.

Our full collections are also available on Shutterstock, Fotolia and 123RF.